In 2019, I saw an art-poster of the Pineapple Ukulele patent and started thinking about building a pineapple style ukulele. Not having a design slowed the process but not the fun. Into CAD I started… drawing, checking fret scale, body size and depth. Other considerations were the fairness of the lines/curves and the construct-ability.

Once I was happy with the paper design, the next step was to build a prototype (the old adage, “it looked good on paper” is a warning I take to heart). To the shop, forms and material stock had to be manufactured.

Below are several photos of the Prototype Build in process:


Sides,blocks & linings

Once the body was closed I started finishing. I made a bridge placement ruler and taped off the top for the bridge placement to start.

Then I started by spraying some shellac to get a build, next on to a french polish method using a 1 Lbs/cut blonde flake shellac.

Polishing finished, I went to glue the bridge onto the top and checked my measurements for fine adjustments. Oh my, my tape was off by about .250 inches. That Placement Ruler was off! 🙁

Well, I adjusted, had to lay shellac in the open space the best I could and I accepted a “nice” appearance prototype.

It played well, sounded good and I made a list of small modifications for the first numbered one in the series of this ukulele size. Next, I asked my ukulele teacher, Sandra Goble Burchett, to look at it and recommend adjustments. She brought two of her pineapple ukuleles for me to compare.

The outcome, I will be continuing to make this size and shape ukulele. Some of the changes to include a thinner neck depth, inlay on the headstock, thinner linings, shaped fretboard at sound hole and a K&K pickup installed.

Fun project for my start of my first year of retirement!