Stereo-graphics and playing with early VR

With the building hoopla over VR and augmented reality I thought my first entry in my Musings page should be stereo-graphy. My interest dates back to the magic of the View-Master device/toy as a child and then later as I found out about stereo-graphic slides and cards. Some of these are as old as the 1860s.

Whether it a view master, stereo viewer, colored glasses, flashing GIFs or cross-eye viewing, I hope you will enjoy this style of photographic documentation as much as I do; see some examples below:


You can make these yourself; a good free program is stereo photo maker. Also google viewers and plans can be found on websites.  Red/Blue glasses, cross-eye view, stereoscope or flashing GIF files, enjoy this way of see your photographs.

Three SBS 3D stereophotos from 2023 MASW Tenor Ukulele Class.